Congratulations class of 2020!

These words of encouragement from your fellow Mount Mary graduates serve as a warm welcome to the Alumnae Association.

Words of Encouragement from Fellow AlumS

Feel proud, feel welcomed, feel the love. We are so happy to have you join the ranks of the Alumnae Association. 

Class of 2020, Well done!!! Congratulations in completing this major milestone. Wishing you a life full of strength, wisdom, and joy. May all your dreams for the future come to realization. Stay safe, healthy and strong.
–Milta Maestre-Rawlings ’07


Congratulations to all! I remember how hard it was to balance several part time jobs, a family, a home, and school.  Pat yourselves on the back for all you have accomplished.  And you didn't think you could do it in the beginning, did you? Put your cap and gown on and strut your stuff!  And have someone take pictures of you tossing your cap into the air. These photos are my favorites from my graduation. Celebrate in a new way! You deserve it!
–Jody Garber ’02

I am elated in wishing you 'Congratulations' in your academic accomplishments!  We are not victims nor are we defined by the events going on around us!  So be of good cheer as you find gratitude in completing your degree at Mount Mary University!!!  God has great plans for your life!  So rejoice!!!
–Cynthia Carr ’77

To all the 2020 grads ---this is not an end.  It is the beginning of your opportunities to share the education you got at MMU with the world. To the OT grads, cherish your unique skills with everyone you work with. May you have many blessings and much happiness in your life as an occupational therapist. I did for over 40 years. 
–Rita Cartwright Last ’70

Hey Grads! I am so proud of you for successfully completing your degrees! Congratulations to you all. I hope that you are proud to now be an alumnae of Mount Mary University. To me, also a MMU alum, I have a place in my heart for MMU that will never waiver! You have been given the tools and the knowledge to succeed in your career and I wish you all the best!
–Anne Vravick ’05

This is just the beginning. I'm sure you've heard that already. Advice? You will have successes and failures. Ride them all like a wave. Learn from them and keep going. And remember what Mount Mary taught you: strength and agility. You did it-- Congrats!
–Jocelyn Hoopes ’76

Congratulations on your graduation from MMU!! You have been given all the tools you need to start your new career !! May you be successful in your job search and may your job be fulfilling and bring you joy!! God bless you!
–Mary Dplude ’84

I loved my years at Mount Mary. Every time I think back about the accepting atmosphere it warms my spirit and spurs me on with great joy.  I hope that has been your experience as well.
–Sister Rosemary Bonk ’67, SSND

Congratulations to all grads.  The best is yet to come.  Mount Mary prepared me for a very successful career.  Upon graduating and entering the work force, I felt very confident with the training and educational background that I received.  Mount Mary gave me a sense of empowerment that I wish for each and every grad.  You will commence with a wonderful career with the background knowledge you have obtained.  The future will open so many doors that you thought were not possible.  All the best, you have received an excellent education.
–Chris Vento Bente ’74

Congratulations on your graduation.  You will now joining a group strong and powerful women.  You will have many opportunities in the future to influence change.  You should be recognized for your hard work and determination.  Make sure you find your passion and most importantly find time to share your passion. Best wishes class of 2020!!!
–Shari Belsha Bernard ’89

Congratulations on your recent graduation. I wish you nothing but the very best! May God bless you in your future endeavors.
–Jessie Dripin ’92

So sorry that you will not have the opportunity to have a graduation ceremony, but the most important thing is that you have earned your degree and that will open so many doors for you in the future. God bless you and may you use your newly acquired knowledge and skills to make the world a better place.
–Mary Koss ’90

I am wishing you the best as you graduate during this challenging time in our world's history.   The preparation that you received at Mount Mary will help you meet whatever challenges your career brings.   Congratulations class of 2020!
–Barbara Lodde ’71

CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2020!!!!! You did it!!! All of your hard work - the hours, the pages, the time, the tears - have led to this moment: the conclusion of your education and the commencement of your career. Welcome to the MMU Alumnae Association- we are so proud of you!
–Amber Teele ’18


Go forth and change the world!  Be proud of your great accomplishment! May you paths be blessed as you use your gifts to help others! God Bless.
–Monica Yoder ’78

Congrats to you all !!! Such a great accomplishment. I know each of you all will do world changing things. Good luck to you all.
–Katherine Fischer ’12

Although you won't have a graduation ceremony, you will always have your MMU education to last a lifetime.  Congratulations!
–Jane Weinstein ’70

You made it through 4 or more years to graduate and you’ll make it through this quarantine. And graduating is a huge deal, so congratulations! I can only tell you of my experience when graduating. I don’t remember anyone but my parents. They’re pride is what made the day, not anyone else there. So hopefully you are with your parents physically or FaceTime to express to each other this huge accomplishment because you and them is all that matters.
–Angela Schneider ’88

Congrats grads! Although you won’t be able to walk across the stage, know that your hard work is being recognized! You did it!
–Stephanie Meyer ’18

Congratulations! You have accomplished a great feat. As the years go by you realize a degree from Mt Mary is very special. You have the highest standards in the workplace and the home;  which you developed during those happy wonderful days at MM Many of your associates will look to you for the correct answer in all situations.
–Annie Laurie Gallagher ’51

Congratulations on your graduation from Mount Mary University.  It is a stepping stone in your life.  I hope that your degree brings you a lot of pride and satisfaction.  You will continue to carry the distinction and pride of all those who have graduated before you.  I wish you a lot of success and happiness in the future.
–Carol Pluta ’61

Congratulations, graduates. I celebrate, with you, all the hard work that you have put in to get to this day. Mount Mary gave me a wonderful educational foundation that I used to become a career Medical Technologist, a place that showed the importance of developing my faith alongside my studies and friends that I am in contact with to this day. I wish all these things for you as you move forward in life. God bless all your efforts.
–Kathleen Heimann Hahn ’68

Though you won't have a traditional graduation, I am thinking of you and cheering you on!
–Barbara McGah Van Vlierbergen ’72

What challenges you will face!  I know you are prepared not only with knowledge but wisdom, not only with enthusiasm but persistence, not only with hope for a better world but the courage to face down obstacles and make your dreams happen.  Congratulations and go get'em Mountie!
–Linda Schmidt Sherman ’73

Congratulations on this major accomplishment in your life. May you go on to make a difference on those around you and in the world.
–Kathryn Geimer-Chojnacki ’70

Congratulations!! Job well done. I wish you the best as you embark on your future.
–Julia Wolz ’09

Lead fearlessly, you have what it takes because the Spirit of God is within you. Keep smiling to let that spirit show.
–Katie Gennrich ’63

Welcome to the Alumni Association, a fabulous group of women!  I look forward to meeting you at a reunion and welcoming you in person. All the best as you move from Mount Mary to  your exciting careers and lives!
–Virginia Cornyn ’62

Congratulations. You should be very proud of yourselves. The world needs you and the education that has prepared you to make a difference.
–Judy Foster ’64

Although this is difficult not having a graduation ceremony, always remember that man's traditions hinder the word of God from having effect. You are about to see the greatest move of God take place so prepare your hearts to be open to receive Him and do what He is calling you to do, not what man wants you to do. God bless you!
–Mary Anne Raef Urosev ’81

My best wishes to you and all of the spring graduates on your graduation!  May you enjoy your profession for a life-time.
–Therese Campos ’66

This is a very important time in your life because of all you have accomplished. I'm so proud that you chose education and have seen it through to the end. I'm sorry that you're not able to celebrate with a graduation, however, know that all of us are wishing you well in your future endeavors.
–Sue Benson ’92

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.  Proverbs 3: 5-6
–Lula Robinson ’86

Congrats class of 2020!  "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Lao Tzu. Your hard work does not go unnoticed, and know that graduating is an amazing step towards a brighter career and future.
–Panyia Xiong ’17

Congratulations to the class of 2020.  I wish you luck in your future endeavors. May your dreams come true. Stay safe and be strong.
–Catherine Starck ’73

How exciting! Seems like just yesterday I was in your place. I know you’ll go out into the world and make an amazing difference touching peoples lives. Although I’ve been living in LaCrosse,Wisconsin for the past  42 Years, I treasure the friendship I’ve made and kept. I’m looking  forward to our 50th reunion this fall, and have attended many since graduation. Best wishes to You and May all your dreams come true!
–Charlene Murphy Krocker ’70

You have had 4 wonderful years of memories!!  Keep these close to your heart and in your mind.   This will last forever and stay connected with your friends.  You will always have each other and these memories!!  You have a bright future as an MMU graduate.
–Judy Lohmiller Bray ’63

Congratulations on completing this stage of your voyage towards fulfilling your dreams.
–Linda Bitar ’73

Congratulations on completing your degree! Remember that even though it may be an honor to walk across the stage for graduation, it does not define the hard work that you have done to earn your degree. Your diploma is the true testament of the hard work and long hours you endured to earn your degree.
–Paulette Belling-Leahy ’12

–Mary V. Kallenbach ’63

Best of luck to you as you venture out and face the world.  It may be a little different right now, but we will be back to order pretty soon--right in time for you to make your mark.  Be the best you can be!!
–Judi Mucklin ’72

Congratulations on your achievements!  Please know that even though you will not participate in the traditional ceremonies this year, I want to take a moment in this unique time to recognize and celebrate your accomplishments.  Welcome to the Mount Mary Alumni!
–Louise Miller ’18

Congratulations Spring class of 2020 on this huge accomplishment of graduating from Mount Mary University! May all your futures be bright and bring you success!
–Allison Grady ’17

After this is over, the celebration will be awesome!! There are many rewards waiting for you, and we all are so very proud of you.
–Mary Beauchamp ’60

Congratulations to all the seniors graduating!! Mount Mary has given you the knowledge to help make our world a better place. Cheers to you all!!
–Mary Torch Peller ’58

Congratulations Mount Mary University 2020 Graduates! May God Bless you as you proceed into the next steps of your journey. While you may not be able to walk across the stage in person this month, please know that we are still cheering for You! When you are faced with any challenges remember that God is in control, and He did not bring you this far for nothing. Go forth and succeed in your dreams!
–Renee McCoy ’07

Congratulations on completing the first stage of your dream. Mount Mary graduates are resilient, compassionate, courageous, loving and very much an advocate for the human race and environment. Live large, fierce and loving.
–Colleen Crook ’71

Wishing all the 2020 graduates a heartfelt congratulations, even though you might be missing out on the pomp & circumstance. Best wishes for a better year going forward! Keep your chin up, things will get better!
–Lisa Stumm ’82

Congratulations to the class of 2020! May you prosper and find joy on this your special day. Welcome to Mount Mary University Alumni!
–Valeria Spinner-Banks ’94


Congratulations, Mount Mary Class of 2020! I know you can’t celebrate together, but now you have the opportunity to hear from so many alumni. What a great accomplishment. Congratulations!! We are all very proud of you. Welcome to a very distinguished alumni group.
–Kelly Anderson ’97

Celebrate in your heart and with your family. Congratulations on your accomplishment and head into the world to make the changes we so desperately need. Use your Mount Mary education to be the force of change.
–Diana Susa ’81

Congratulations grads! I’m so sorry you can’t walk across the stage or go through the confusion of which way that hood goes but know that this is part of your resilience story. You’ve overcome obstacles and this too will build your character. Many blessings on your continued journey. For those of you who don’t have a job secured yet, I was in your shoes too. But I received an offer quickly after graduation. So keep the faith! You did it!!!
–Athena Kjell ’16